Hello Zibbzterz and happy Thursday!! 

We thought we’d do a little mid-week update this time, because we have a lot going on and wanted to share it with you.

We have arrived in Lisbon and it is magical. Magical. First off, we happen to have the very best team with us here. Everybody has an amazing attitude, is professional, and we are all one big family. At our first press conference, the interviewers even sensed immediately that we seem to have “a lot of love” in our delegation and it couldn’t be truer.

Once we arrived we were greeted by our two ESC assistants at the airport who are an excellent addition to our team as well. We already caught a glimpse of how well organized the ESC is. We had to get our accreditations and thought that could get complicated. But nope. This is such a well-oiled machine that it literally took minutes to get done and we were on our way to the hotel. 


After a quick moment to unpack (we all had to order more hangers because a, no hotel is equipped for people to stay for TWO WEEKS and b, we all brought an excessive amount of dresses. Well maybe not Stee) we went to our first rehearsal in Lisbon. It wasn’t at the Arena yet, but right next to it so we caught a nice view of that beautiful thing. 

The next day, Monday, was our first official rehearsal day at the Arena. Remember how I said this is a well-oiled machine? It sure is. The organization and team here are TOP NOTCH. And coming from Swiss people, that’s a huge compliment. Us swissies are known for four things; chocolate, cheese, watches and for being ORGANIZED. We are the virgos of countries. Anyway, at the Arena we were greeted by our assistant/guide for the day Joana (who is LOVELY). Everyone (Coco, Stee plus the four backings) was given a number and then us 6 went from room to room, where we had in-ear monitoring, received the mics, received the mic-stands, just so everything would be perfect and ready for us on stage. The whole process was already so amazing that Coco said she wishes this would be the standard for every show she’s ever going to do. And then we all walked on stage. GOOSEBUMPS. This thing is huge. Coco realized that the metaphorical “marathon” we were talking about in the last blog might not be just a metaphor but real. Walking over these bridges that include STAIRS (btw who the hell invented heels?? A man???) is no joke my friends. Speaking of heels, this was the first time Coco was able to try on her full outfit for the stage and as you've seen in pictures it reveals her toned mid-section quite wonderfully. Definitely a moment of gratitude there on her part that we have a good gym at the hotel, so she can keep working out every day. :) And guess what. Coco killed it on that stage and so did Stee. As you guys might know I’m part of the backing vocalists and where we stand (right of stage) we can see the entire stage and arena. We don’t look at the stage while singing backings, we look at each other in a circle to make sure we don’t get distracted but I couldn’t help but quickly look at them on stage during the bridge and I swear I almost cried. It feels so right, they feel so at home, it’s magic, it’s real. Just wait til you see them. After the rehearsal nobody had to say anything. We just knew it works. And the vibe was simply this: PARDON US BUT WE DON’T WANNA GO BACK. 

But until you get to see the whole thing, watch this 30 second video of the rehearsal here:

It is now Thursday and we had more rehearsals and more interviews and videos to do. We also got together with Cesar from Austria to jam and combine our two songs for a quick video. Keep your eyes/ears peeled for this one! So far, we haven't seen a lot of Lisbon but we had some time yesterday to walk around the old town and it is gorgeous!! 

Tomorrow morning will be our second rehearsal on stage. We have a show for the Swiss embassy coming up tomorrow morning as well as one on Saturday at the Eurovision Village where we hopefully get to meet some of you beautiful people! Who’s coming? 

Thank you for the continuous support and love !!

Zibbz & Team

this blog is written by SabrinaKern